ALMOND SPONGE (serves 6)    


40 gm ground almonds
30 gm icing sugar
3 eggs
4-5 drops of orange extract
30 gm Gula Melts Coconut Nectar Sugar 
25 gm unsalted butter, melted
50 gm plain flour, sifted    


Mix ground almonds and Gula Melts Coconut Nectar Sugar in a bowl.
Add 1 egg.
Separate the remaining 2 eggs and add the egg yolks to the almond mixture.
Beat until pale and thickened.
Stir in orange extract.
Whisk egg whites with icing sugar until stiff peaks form.  Separate into thirds.
Fold a third of the whipped egg whites into the almond mixture.
Fold a third of the whipped egg white into half of the plain flour.
Then fold in the remaining third of the whipped egg whites and the rest of the flour.
Pour in melted butter into the egg white/flour mixture, and fold in all ingredients together.
Place on a baking tray and bake at 200 Celsius for 6-8 minutes till risen, set and golden.
Remove cake from tray and allow to cool.
Dust with icing sugar and garnish with fruits and berries.